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Transformational Healing

I assist any person of any age, gender and background with transformational healing no matter how big or small the change may be. I assist individuals with anything related to emotional, physical, mental or spiritual blocks. Transformational healing bypasses our human conditioning and allows us to tap into our own unconscious drivers. The degree of transformation happens according to the degree that any individual is ready for. True contentment within is not only possible, it is our birth-right.  This contentment is hidden deep beneath the conditioning.  If you are intrigued feel free to email me for more information or book in a session with me. It is always an honour and a privilege to serve you.

Investment in Self: $150.00

Session Time: 2 hours


"Ziva is a powerful healer.  She uses your astrological chart to help you identify your strengths and possible reasons for your current challenges.  Her Yoga Therapy and Healing sessions using The Journey process are perfect compliments to the astrology reading - helping you to get clarity and to fully resolve what is blocking you.  


My first Healing session with Ziva was nothing short of life-changing - true, lasting transformation of a sticky old habit of relating to others.  As I'd been working on this one for at least 20 years, the 2-hour session with Ziva was well worth the investment!  I'm now looking forward to doing more.  I would recommend Ziva to anyone who is ready to transform in a deep and meaningful way."

with love, Joan

"Ziva listens, to what it is that you are intending to achieve, for yourself during the healing process. She will explain precisely what she sees in your astrology chart. 

Ziva is totally connected with the person throughout the healing process. It feels safe to go deep within to find our true essence of self. 

Right from when you meet Ziva, you hear her honesty and psychic knowing in her voice.

Ziva helps you to know that you are free to be you. Her gentleness & love permeates the space. Together, we share & trust her guidance, to know our true self as never before.

This investment in ourself is life changing, as we connect with our deepest ‘knowing’. 

This is Ziva’s way of Transformational Healing. I offer gratitude from my heart with deep sincerity to Ziva, for the transformation that has happened deep within my soul."
Love Jude
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