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  • Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Full Moon in Leo, 2024

Full Moon 5 degrees 14 minutes in Leo, 26.1.2024 3:54am AEST


Welcome precious readers. I value you. I love writing the Moon Musing’s and without you, there would be no writing or growth on my part. Thank you, deeply.


Happy Birthday Aquarius. May your day be different doing what you love.


Ladies and gents, we have a Full Moon in the zodiacal sign of Leo. At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon oppose each other in an exact opposition. What this means is that the Moon and Sun share the same degree and minutes but they reside in opposite signs. This opposition is created by the reversal of signs. The opposite signs are what make any Full Moon increase in tension, as it inflates the contrasting energies inherent within. The increase can then allow a letting go at the time of the Full Moon. This time we have the Sun in the sign of Aquarius and the Moon in the sign of Leo. What could this mean?


The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun rules our personality and our heart chakra. The Sun is our Star sign and this energy requires maturity to grow into a healthy experience. For some this may be a longer journey than for others. This all depends on the level of trauma that any individual has experienced. We may not like the longer version journey; we do get what we need not what we want. The sign of Leo may remain childish and defiant at times before it can grow into a childlike maturity.


Essentially, the sign of Leo rules our ability to receive and give love and to recognise pure love from fantasy including fake love. For some this may seem an impossible task to determine.


IAs extreme as this is imagine some individuals may have experienced hatred from every person in their family. These individuals all claim to love them. They may also experience harsh verbal abuse in the sense that they are told that their life is good and loving, to stop making up stories. This mannerism from family members is likely to create further and larger confusion, not knowing what is true and what is not. It may feel impossible to recognise the real love from an authentic source. Our heart activations from the external situations may feel like unhealable wounds.  These individuals may doubt their real love experienced from their children when it is there in spades. And believe totally that their parent’s, family and their relationship partner’s love is unquestionably true and solid.


The above could be very challenging to see and acknowledge as truth. This can take lots of time to decipher, as truth. Aren’t your family supposed to love you? For some the hatred maybe very real and extreme. Eventually, truth really sets us free, no matter what it is. For these individuals the more that they choose to see and love their wounded parts, one-by-one, the stronger in self love and understanding can any individual grow.  Expect to fall over many times and return believing whatever we have been conditioned to see as truth.


Before we heal, we may feel so separated from love that we cannot bear to experience any physical separation from our loved ones. We may activate within ourself an uncontrollable panic that could cause us to remain silent and unable to voice our feelings of anguish.


Not experiencing our Leo love functionally, may create blockages to our physical heart. We could also create issues with our upper spine and walk around crouched over covering our physical heart in this way, as a sign of protection. The unloved crouched over Leo may benefit from opening their body and exposing their heart, this may feel painful, as there could be a lot of dense stuck debris. Practicing yoga could be a lifesaver for some. Yoga is a deeply spiritual practice that deepens over time and activates deeper buried challenges. Celebrate these as much as you can, as what ever is screaming in heightened pain can mean that it is ready to be released out from our consciousness of Aquarius activation very quickly.


The Sun in Aquarius is conjunct planet Pluto. Conjunctions in astrology are about teamwork and helping each other in a joint force to possibly more deeply address the separation from love issues that are within each and every one of us. Expect this exercise not to be easy. We could call on the Sun to shine its masterful illumination on the matter. We may call on planet Uranus that rules the sign of Aquarius to also act as the catalyst of quick change similar to turning the lights on in a dark room. We may call on planet Pluto to reveal all of the deep wounds that we are ready to heal, release and transform. We may do it one-by-one as simply as repeating the words, I see you, I hear you, I feel you, I love you.


Be kind, gentle and patient practicing unconditional love towards self. This can at times feel very arduous. You may want to give up a thousand times especially when there is no felt understanding, validation of pain, support or compassion experienced from others.  If that is so then possibly our soul has chosen to give to self totally what we seek externally. This is likely to feel hard if we have felt heartbroken possibly as early as from conception. Have a look in your natal chart and see where you have the sign of Leo and Aquarius. That is likely to unveil the areas of experiencing harsh rejection. Where are your Scorpio and Taurus?


The sign of Leo is a fixed energy. These energies are usually resistant and stubborn. They will not release and change if they are not ready and this makes them very valuable. Performing a very kind service to humanity by healing very slowly especially if the Leo heart has experienced a deep hole that feels so endless that it feels impossible to heal. How can this be healed quickly? Anything that has the four fixed signs and components and desires to heal needs to take their time like the tortoise that wins the race.


The individuals that have the fixed signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio in their birth charts ranging anywhere from 02 to 08 degrees will feel this Full Moon in Leo more than others. Where is your 5 degrees of Leo? Then you may be able to locate 5 degrees of Aquarius. What house do they reside in? What does that show you about your own activation?


Does the Full Moon in Leo activate any angles like Ascendant or the Descendant? Or the I.C. or the M.C.?


I hope that these writings serve you.


Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website:    if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musing’s please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.


Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, either through FaceTime or face-to-face. I am also available for other services displayed on my website, if my writings resonate with you. I know that my own life experiences are far from every day, I have developed an understanding and compassion for any level of trauma big or small. I am far from perfect, I do my best to learn every day through my interactions with others.


Travel well


Love always,





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